Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Zooomr The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Now how do I start this post? Do I start negative and work to the positive leaving the reader (you think you get that many... Mike in a state of optimism, or do I go the other way which seems to be the route ever other blog I've bothered reading has gone.

The Ugly :-

I'm going to be blunt here, support for manipulating multiple photographs is totally shit... in fact it's pretty much non existent, you can create photo sets (smart sets in Zooomr Terminology) using a combination of options such as Tag, Owner, Date Taken etc and that's IT! So if you forget to tag a couple of hundred photo's before uploading them you have to do it one by one, the same goes for if you want to delete a photo's it's one by one again, and also if you want to set a group of photo's privacy hope to god the Juploadr has remembered which option you selected...

The Bad :-
the only way atm to upload a vast amount of photo's at the moment isJuploadr my only piece advice is if you change anything from the default settings when you run it, is to close it and start the app again else the changes don't seem to affect the photo's you upload.

Not sure if this is a Juploadr issue or Zooomr (I'm inclined to think it's Zooomr issue as the site doesn't seem stable) but uploads fail quite a bit.

The Good :-
Pro user bandwidth allowance : 4GB a MONTH!!! W00t!!!

Geo tagging : seems effective (not tried it yet, but others have commented)

Zooomrtation : Vocal commentary by you on your photo's in the form of an mp3, which is played back through the browser.

Portals :- Similar in style to Flickrs' notes, but a lot more useful (imho), it allows for very creative effects. Perhaps I should describe what it does and you can decide. As with a note a box appears on your photo that you can place anywhere, but you have the ability to assign a photo to the portal, that portal then becomes a link to the image you assign to it the example which impressed me most was here, Raoul has used it to link to close ups of detail on the Bulfinch Gate House, Very COOL!!!

Mark III : Zooomr is updating in March, no one's sure what's going to be included, but if it just adds the ability to handle multiple photo's I'll give it my trade over Flickr.

flower_explosionflower_explosion Hosted on Zooomr

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